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Visit of Chinese Delegation to IPRI

Post Event Report on visit of Chinesedelegation to IPRI

Dated: 2 Feburary 2015


  • Mr. Wang Sheming, Executive Vice President for Gansu Association of International Friendly Contact (GAIFC)
  • Mr. Liu Guangjun, Vice President of GAIFC
  • Mr. Li Mingbao, Associate President of  GAIFC
  • Mr. Gao Ganming, Vice President of Xinjiang Association for International Friendly Contact (XJAIFC)
  • Mr. Shi Boyin, Research Fellow, XJAIFC

Salient points of discussion on security situation in Pakistan and Pak-China economic cooperation

Pakistani View Point:

  • Pakistan is sincerely making efforts to eliminate terrorism from its soil.
  • Pakistan has suffered a lot in the War on Terror. It has lost more than fifty thousand civilians and five thousand security personnel.
  • Operation Rah-e-Nijat in South Waziristan and Rah-e-Rast in Swat were launched in order to establish the writ of the government, which gave the desired results.
  • Pakistan Army has successfully launched Zarb-e-Azb operation against terrorists in North Waziristan and approximately twenty-one hundred terrorists have been killed so far.
  • Army has so far cleared 90% of North Waziristan Agency from terrorists and destroyed their command and control system.
  • After terrorist attacks on Karachi Airport (June 2014) and Peshawar Army Public School (December 2014), a line has been drawn between the terrorists and the nation.
  • The National Action Plan is designed to root out extremism and militancy from Pakistan. The details are as under:-
  • Execution of convicted terrorists will continue;
  • Establishment of special trial courts for two years for speedy trial of terror suspects;
  • A commitment to ensure that no armed militias are allowed to function in the country;
  • Strengthening and activation of NACTA;
  • Countering hate speech and extremist material;
  • Choking financing for terrorists and terrorist organisations;
  • Ensuring against re-emergence of proscribed organisations;
  • Establishing and deploying a dedicated counter-terrorism force;
  • Taking effective steps against religious persecution;
  • Registration and regulation of madrassas;
  • Ban on glorification of terrorism and terrorist organisations through print and electronic media;
  • Administrative and development reforms in Fata with immediate focus on return of IDPs;
  • Dismantling communication networks of terrorist organisations;
  • Tangible measures against abuse of internet and social media for terrorism;
  • Zero tolerance for militancy in Punjab;
  • Taking the ongoing operation in Karachi to its logical conclusion;
  • Empowering Balochistan government for political reconciliation with complete ownership by all stakeholders;
  • Dealing firmly with sectarian terrorists;
  • Formulation of a comprehensive policy to deal with the issue of Afghan refugees, beginning with registration of all unregistered illegal refugees;
  • Revamping and reforming the criminal justice system, to strengthen counter terrorism departments including granting of powers to the provincial CIDs to intercept terrorist communications.
  • National Action Plan (NAP) is being implemented in letter and spirit. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is himself supervising the plan. Civil society has risen against terrorists; and NAP has given confidence to the nation.
  • Pakistan and Afghanistan are also cooperating with each other to eliminate terrorism and extremism being a common challenge.
  • To curb extremism and terrorism, cooperation between Islamabad and Kabul is important for maintaining peace in the region.
  • The operation Zarb-e-Azb would also help to control drug trafficking in the region.
  • Chinese businessmen should invest in Pakistan. Pakistan’s security forces are capable of providing security to private Chinese businessmen.
  • The Chinese development projects in the region particularly the Pak-China Economic Corridor are not welcomed by some foreign powers. Certain powers especially India is using Afghanistan soil to destabilize Balochistan.

Chinese Perspective

  • China has established Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Kashghar. China has established a joint committee and working group for Pakistan-China Economic Corridor.
  • China is focussing to construct a chain of ports in the region and Pakistan can help to fulfill the Chinese dream of regional connectivity.
  • China is following non-alignment policy in international affairs.
  • Pakistan-China economic and cultural cooperation has improved over the years. In 2003, China got contract of Gwadar port which is considered as a landmark in Pak-China relations.
  • In G20 summit, Chinese premier has shown his willingness to work with Pakistan in order to establish economic corridor. Chinese continuity of policies will help in establishing this corridor.
  • This economic corridor will promote development in the region. However, there are some challenges, e.g., lack of infrastructure in Pakistan and acute energy shortage in the country.

China has more than four trillion dollars reserves; therefore, there is no financial issue for the establishment of Pak-China economic corridor. Moreover, China has advanced technology particularly in railway and highway sectors. China has established railways at very high altitudes; therefore, technology will not be an issue for establishing the railway track between Islamabad and Xinjiang.

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