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Post-Event Report : Visit of Mr Ogawa, Second Secretary of Japanese Embassy



Guest: Mr. Yoshitaka Ogawa, Second Secretary (Political officer) at Embassy of Japan in Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Visit Organized by: IPRI

Date of Event and Venue: 28th November, 2014 at IPRI Conference Hall.

Salient Points of the Speaker:

• China considers Pakistan as a key strategic ally in the region. Economic development and stability of Pakistan is in Chinese interest.
• Pakistan wants cordial relations between China and Japan. Pakistan wants both countries to peacefully resolve their territorial and bilateral disputes.
• Pakistan rejects terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. Both Pakistan and China are co-operating to eliminate East Turkistan Islamic militants and other terrorists’ forces from the region.
• On Kashmir issue, Pakistan demands peaceful negotiations according to the UN resolutions and will of the Kashmiri people.
• China is willing to mediate on Kashmir between India and Pakistan and wants Kashmir settlement through peaceful dialogue.
• Pakistan and Japan nuclear- cooperation is not possible in near future due to Pakistan’s alleged nuclear proliferation history and Japan’s suspicion of its nuclear weapons being unsafe and having threat from the terrorists.
• The rise of China is not a threat for Japan but it tends to open new opportunities for Japan in the field of trade and economy.
• Japan policy is of engagement rather that containment of China. However, India, Japan and USA have strategic alliance to deter China’s expansionism.

There is a need of improvement in Pakistan-Japan relations. Pakistan and Japan have a friendly history and the relationship should be strengthened through more economic engagement and Japanese foreign investment. Pakistan demands equivalent treatment by Japan as it has with India. Pakistan’s nuclear program is safe and Japan should not be worried about it. More cultural exchange and people to people contact between the two countries should be promoted.

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