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Winter 2007,Volume VII, Number 1


From Nuclear Non-Proliferation to Counter Proliferation: The Shifting Paradigms of Anti-Proliferation Policies
Naeem Ahmad Salik

Indo-US Nuclear Deal: Implications for the Region
Dr Rashid Ahmad Khan

Pak-Afghan Relations: Way out of Impasse?
Dr Maqsudul Hasan Nuri

Emerging Regional Economic Integration in East Asia: Challenges and Choices for Pakistan
Dr Ahmad Rashid Malik

Misperception about Violence in Islam: Causes and Remedies
Dr Noor ul Haq

Syria-US Relations in an Historical Context: Prospect of Realism in Syria’s Foreign Policy Towards the United States
Dr Ahmad Soltani Nejad

US Counter-Terrorist Strategy and Iraq: Dubious Intentions, Unsound Strategy
Hayat U. Khan

Book Reviews

1. Pervez Musharraf, In the Line of Fire
Dr Maqsudul Hasan Nuri

2. W. P. S. Sidhu, Bushra Asif, & Cyrus Samii (eds), Kashmir: New Voices, New Approaches
    Dr Rashid Ahmad Khan

3. Nicolas van de Walle, Overcoming Stagnation in Aid-Dependent Countries
Dr Ahmad Rashid Malik

4. Madeline Korbel Albright, The Mighty & the Almighty: Reflections on America, God, and World Affairs
Dr Noor ul Haq

5. William Dalrymple, The Last Mughal: The Fall of a Dynasty, Delhi, 1857
Dr Mavara Inayat

6. Saadia Rashid (ed), Muslim Ummah in the Modern World: Challenges and Opportunities
Ghulam Sarwar

7. Mohammad Humayun Kabir (ed), Small States and Regional Stability in South Asia
Nuzhat Khanum



1. President’s Interview with Business Plus

2. President’s Address at the Inaugural Ceremony of the Lowari Rail Tunnel

3. President’s Address to the Nation

4. President’s Address to the Nation on Independence Day

5. President’s Address at the International Judicial Conference

6. President’s Address at International Seminar on Global Terrorism

7. President’s Address at the Global Discourse on Kashmir

8. President Musharraf’s Address to the European Union’s Foreign Relation Committee

9. President’s Address at the NAM Summit

10. India-Pakistan Joint Statement, Havana

11. President’s Address to United Nation General Assembly’s 61st Session

12. President’s Interview with CBS 60 Minutes

13. President’s Address to the Pakistani Community in USA

14. President’s Address to Council on Foreign Relations (Book Launching)

15. President’s Interview to CNN’s The Situation Room

16. President in Charlie Rose Show

17. President’s Interview at NBC Today Show

18. President with Hannity Colmes (H&C) Exclusive

19. President in the Daily Show with John Stewart

20. President’s Speech at Cornell University, New York

21. President in Night Line at ABC News

22. President’s Address at Oxford University London

23. President’s Address on the Occasion of the First Anniversary of the 8 October 2005 Earthquake
24. Declaration of the 2nd World Islamic Economic Forum

25. Text of Joint Press Statement of Foreign Secretary-Level Talks Held between Pakistan and India

26. President’s Address to the Nation
27. President’s Address at the Inauguration Ceremony of Mirani Dam

28. President’s Address at the International Defence Exhibition and Seminar 2006

29. President’s Interview to ND-TV

30. President’s Address at the Women Convention 2006

31. President’s Address to Public Gathering in Quetta

32. President’s Address at Women Convention, Quetta

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