A one-day workshop titled“Optimizing CPEC Connectivity: Region and Beyond” was organized by the Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) on April 26, 2017 at the IPRI conference hall, Islamabad.The workshop had one working session, in addition to an inaugural session. Dr. Ashfaque Hasan…
وفاق کے زیرِ انتظام قبائلی علاقہ جات جنہیں فاٹا کے نام سے موسوم کیا جاتا ہے۔ جو 7 قبائلی ایجنسیوں ‘خیبر‘ مہمند‘ کرم‘ شمالی و جنوبی وزیرستان ‘او رکزئی اور باجوڑ پر مشتمل ہے۔ یہ قبائلی علاقہ جات بلند و بالا…
KAZAKHSTAN is the leader in investment attractiveness in Central Asia. Its profile is improving every passing day due to exploration of its rich natural resources and adoption of liberal policies to attract investment. Kazakhstan is a leading country in Central Asia economically,…
IPRI Newsletter for the Month of April 2017 has been issued.
For details, visit: IPRI Newsletter April 2017
WHILE the world expected that the US-China relations would be more contentious under the new US administration, it has taken an entirely new direction, which was less talked and thought about. Analysts, scholars and strategists spoke of an irresolute yet confrontational relation…
Russia’s growing interest in Afghan affairs is apparent from Moscow’s hosting of peace talks. The recent talks on ‘peace in Afghanistan’ were held in Moscow in the middle of April. Representatives from Afghanistan, China, India, Iran, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and…
IPRI organised a one-day workshop on ‘Optimizing CPEC Connectivity – Region and Beyond’ on 26 April 2017. The Chair of this workshop was Dr. Ashfaque Hasan Khan, Dean, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NUST, Islamabad. Speakers included Dr Vaqar Ahmed, Deputy…
Research Articles
The Role of Leadership in Foreign Policy: A Case Study of Russia under Vladimir Putin
Dr Nazir Hussain and Fatima Shakoor
The focus of this article is to understand the influence of leaders in foreign policy decision-making and the subsequent impact…
چین کی وزارت خارجہ کے ترجمان نے کہا ہے کہ چینی حکام کی جانب سے اروناچل پردیش کے چھ مقامات کو نئے معیاری نام دینا قانونی اور مناسب اقدام ہے۔ ترجمان نے کہا کہ چین، بھارت اور چین کے درمیان مشرقی حصے…
In 2010, a Congressional Research Service report entitled Security and the Environment in Pakistan argued that environmental pressures such as food insecurity, water scarcity, and the limited availability of arable land could “contribute to Pakistan’s decline as a fully functioning state” and could eventually…