Significant factors impacting peaceful or otherwise Afghanistan are: stay-exit dilemma of the US, will of the Taliban, Indian meddling, handling of Afghan refugees, Pak-Afghan border management, Afghan government’s action against TTP bands etc. The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon’s recent report on…
To say that policy formulation is complex is an understatement. Not only is it complex and ‘messy’, it also needs to fit into local, national, regional and often, even international contexts. This collection of papers and essays brings together the perspectives of…
An IPRI Review meeting on “Completion of CPEC: Impact on Pakistan’s Strategic Position and Economy” was held at IPRI conference hall on April 26, 2016. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), linking Gwadar to China’s Western city of Kashgar was viewed optimistically. It was…
NATO's Expansion Debate
Last week Britain, Germany and the United States agreed a plan to deploy four battalions with around 4,000 NATO soldiers in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. After the end of the Cold War, it is NATO’s biggest military buildup in…
Historically, the very concept of a corridor, has been a cause of development in different parts of the world. In the post-1945 period, European Economic Community was formed (1957). Later, European Union (EU) was created in November 1993. The idea to establish…
The busiest border crossing between Pakistan and Afghanistan reopened last Saturday morning after the recent border skirmishes which led to its closure for six days. Recent border skirmishes are the first of its kind, tightening the already tensed relations between Pakistan and…
Strategic landscape in Afghanistan context is changing fast. Americans have long been working to go back on their promise of pulling out of Afghanistan. Crimean crisis came as a God-sent occurrence that helped enhanced marketing of the idea within American strategic community…
“The international nonproliferation regime has survived on pragmatism, discrimination, and a quantum of morality.” read more
Obsession with surround and contain syndrome in Asia has overwhelmed India-US axis (not yet nexus), since the end of cold war. The US wants to surround and contain China and India is a clandestine partner in this venture while articulating denial. India…
تحریر : ڈیڈیئر شودت
اس مختصرتحریر کے ذریعے انیس کروڑ اٹھائیس لاکھ افراد پر مشتمل ملک ’’ پاکستان ‘‘ کی بابت سمجھنے اور سوچنے کی سعی کی گئی ہے ۔ آگے بڑھنے سے پہلے پاکستان کے جغرافیے کو جاننا ضروری ہے ۔…