افواج پاکستان کے سپہ سالار نے کہا ہے کہ ’’ آئندہ نسلوں کو دہشتگردی سے پاک پاکستان فراہم کریں گے ۔ (انشاء اللہ ) ‘‘ انھوں نے ان خیالات کا اظہار آرمی میڈیکل کور کی ایک تقریب سے خطاب کے دوران کیا…
گذشتہ کافی سالوں سے میڈیا کے بعض حلقوں میں یہ تاثر سا بن گیا ہے کہ جنوبی ایشیاء میں جوہری اسلحے کی موجودگی کا بنیادی سبب پاکستان ہے ۔ اس تاثر کو پختہ کرنے میں عالمی میڈیا خصوصاً بھارتی ذرائع ابلاغ کا…
Terrorists are intolerant species, their tactics is to bomb and kill. The recent attacks on Churches in Lahore, in which, fifteen people were killed and around 75 injured have triggered hue and cry in the Christian community. Children and women were also…
Education which is a basic human right has faced serious security threats in few countries like Pakistan. The terrorist’s ideological and conservative mindset has crossed limit to an extent that apart from imposition of Islamic Sunnah and Shariah in their areas of…
One-day conference on “Pakistan’s Relations with European Union (EU)” was organized by Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) on March 5, 2015 at Marriot Hotel, Islamabad. The conference comprised of one working session in addition to inaugural and concluding sessions. Four presentations were…
[Featured Image Courtesy: Stratfor]
After a long gap of seven years, it was refreshing to see the Republic Day parade back on track. Pakistan once again celebrated the event with traditional fervor and joy, which was becoming a fading memory. There are…
Ms. Laura Schuurmans, research/writer on Kashmir from Indonesia visited IPRI on 11 February 2015 for discussion on Kashmir Issue with IPRI Scholars. Salient points of the discussion are as follows:
• In 1940s, the British were suffering from a Russo-phobia. They did not…
Russia is an important country for Pakistan, as regionally Russia is a super power and globally it’s a regional power. Islamabad can have cordial relations with all regional states by improving its ties with Russia.
The former Soviet Union did not break,…
Post Event Report on visit of Chinesedelegation to IPRI
Dated: 2 Feburary 2015
Mr. Wang Sheming, Executive Vice President for Gansu Association of International Friendly Contact (GAIFC)
Mr. Liu Guangjun, Vice President of GAIFC
Mr. Li Mingbao, Associate President of GAIFC
Mr. Gao Ganming,…
Along Karachi’s coast, construction of two additional 1,100 MW generation III AP 1000 nuclear power plants (KANUPP II & III) is under way. Earlier this month, experts form International Atomic Energy (IAEA) completed the key Generic Reactor Safety Review (GRSR) of these…