The beginning of 2015 has witnessed one of the worst political turmoil in the history of Bangladesh. Since last two months, the country has been badly paralyzed by the blockades of roads, railways, waterways and rallies staged by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party…
Afghan government and the Taliban are poised to hold face-to-face talks following behind the scenes encouragement by Pakistan, America and other stakeholders.President Obama’s special envoy, Daniel F Feldman, has visited Islamabad and held important talks. Feldman appreciated Pakistan’s positive role for peace…
سولہ مارچ 1846 کو معاہدہ امرتسر وجود میں آیا تھا جس کے تحت ڈوگرہ حکمران ’’ گلاب سنگھ ‘‘ نے ریاست کشمیر کو 75 لاکھ روپے میں خرید لیا ۔ تب سے کشمیری قوم کے مصائب کا ایسا سلسلہ شروع ہوا جو…
بی بی سی کی تیار کردہ دستاویزی فلم انڈیا ز ڈاٹر‘‘ کی بنا پر ان دنوں بھارتی سیاست اور معاشرے میں ایک کہرام سا مچا ہوا ہے کیونکہ مذکورہ فلم 16 دسمبر 2012 کو دہلی میں ’’ جیوتی سنگھ ‘‘ نامی 23…
The Indian government has concluded that its provocative firing on the border and the LoC, is proving to be a big hindrance to normalizing bilateral ties. One of the first things that India wants to restore could be cross-LoC CBMs…
دیگر اقلیتوں کی مانند بھارتی عیسائی بھی سنگھ پریوار کے مظالم سے محفوظ نہیں ۔یوں تو پچھلے 67 برس سے سبھی اقلیتیں کسی نہ کسی طرح ہندو انہتا پسند گروہوں کے مظالم کا نشانہ بنتی رہی ہیں مگر چند ماہ سے تو…
The most common approach to deal with insurgencies, terrorism, or internal violence is to use the forces to establish law and order in the affected areas. .In most of the cases, this has not been a successful strategy. Even when these measures…
Interesting developments are taking place in the context of Pakistan India relations. Indian Prime Minister, during his telephone call to the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, on 13 February, informed about his intention to send his Foreign Secretary to Islamabad. Nawaz Sharif welcomed…
China and India, sometimes referred to “Chindia” are geographically proximate nations, contain over one-third of the world's population and are among the fastest growing economies in the world. A report by IMF dated January 21, 2015, predicts India overtaking China as the…
It is mandated in the Constitution of Pakistan to provide free and compulsory education to all children between the ages of 5-16 years and enhance adult literacy. With the 18th constitutional amendment the concurrent list which comprised of 47 subjects was abolished…