Last week saw some interesting developments: acts of high profile militancy and terrorism were disowned and condemned by the TTP in very strong words indicating a change of mindset; fierce infighting within the TTP cadres indicated its eroding integrity as a single…
It is becoming a norm in the South Asian political culture to blame regional states for achieving political goals at home or, perhaps, it is easier to blame others to divert attention from pressing domestic issues that subsequently arise due to mismanagement…
Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) led government in Pakistan decided to hold talks with the outlawed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan. In this regard a new committee has been formed after Prime Minister’s consultation with Pakistan Tehrkke-e-Insaf Chairmen Imran Khan and party leadership. The government…
قیامِ پاکستان کے بعد پاکستان کی خارجہ پالیسی کے بنیادی مقاصد یہ رہے ہیں کہ اپنے ہمسایہ ملکوں سمیت عالمی برادری کے سبھی ارکان کے ساتھ برابری اور عدم مداخلت کے اصولوں کی بنیاد پر خوشگوار تعلقات قائم رکھے جائیں۔اپنے اس مقصد…
Millions of Afghans defied Taliban threats and rain, thus underscoring their enormous hope from the elections. As NATO/ISAF continue to draw-down, country's new leader will find an altered landscape as the country's wobbly security forces struggle to face down a ferocious insurgency…
Conference on “Pakistan-China Friendship: Taking it to New Heights”
One day Conference on “Pakistan-China Friendship: Taking it to New Heights” was organized by Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) on March 26, 2014 at Islamabad Hotel. Following are the proceedings of the conference.
Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline: Cost-Benefit Analysis
Muhammad Munir*
Muhammad Ahsan
Saman Zulfqar
Iran-Pakistan (IP) Gas Pipeline is considered a controversial project in Pakistan. A large number of professionals believe that IP Gas Pipeline is an energy lifeline for…
It is refreshing that the recent lunatic orders, which apparently came from the Bangladesh Cricket Board but had the blessing of the highest political office of the country, have been revoked. Edict was aimed at banning the domestic fans from carrying the…
It was in 2001 that the United States (US) used unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) commonly known as drones for the first time in Afghanistan and has been continuously employing them since then. The drones have been the US effective weapon of choice…
اقوامِ عالم کے باہمی تعلقات کی جدید تاریخ میں پاک چین دوستی ایک ضرب المثل کی شکل اختیار کر چکی ہے مختلف تہذیبوں ،مذاہب اور نظامِ حکومت کے تضادات کے باوجود دو ملکوں میں دوستی کی ایسی مثال شاید ڈھونڈنے سے بھی…