“Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori,”
(It is sweet and proper to die for one’s country)
Migration is a tough call, as it pitchforks one into an alien soil with a lifelong yearning for a home that was lost. In Pakistani…
Anti-Americanism has never ever united Pakistanis. It was a ploy. It has always been a theatrical call by politicians leaning on the right side of the divide, primarily reactionary-or-orthodox elements. Nor has campaigning against Washington brought in dividends. Rather, this love-hate-card was…
Is it a coincidence that the whole of South Asia is in turmoil? India is in the grip of Hindutva fever where the lives of minorities, especially those of Muslims, have become hellish. Afghanistan remains under the worst kind of humanitarian catastrophe…
PRESS RELEASE, May 12, 2022
ISLAMABAD: China’s BRI flagship project and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
initiative enjoys complete consensus in Pakistan, and luckily the intellectual elite, the security
establishment and political forces are on the same page. The success of CPEC will change…
Mr. Imran Khan, I stand with your narrative like millions others. But, as a well-wisher, I have a piece of advice for you. I have been here on these Leader pages. I kept on reminding you to stay aloof from sycophants, focus…
India has maintained a complex neutral stance in the ongoing Ukrainian crisis, much to the chagrin of the U.S and many Western nations. There are many awkward questions arising from the Western capitals about the comradeship between democracies, which India also boasts about despite…
The country witnessed paroxysms of rage and irrational hatred in the wake of a successful vote of no confidence motion against former Prime Minister Imran Khan, when he earned the dubious distinction of being the first democratically elected PM to be voted…
Pakistan’s politics has entered a torrid phase of confrontation and polarisation. The reasons for the present political turmoil are rooted in changing socio-economic dynamics and emerging equilibrium in civil-military relations. Pakistan’s present civil-military relations are emblematic of an equilibrium defined by Paul…
Former chairman Department of International Relations, Karachi University, Dr. Mujtaba Hussain Rizvi used to say, “Ummah, Ummah everywhere, not to be seen anywhere.” This was one of his famous dissertations as he used to narrate the degeneration of the Muslim world from…
For details, visit: IPRI Update February 2022