The Father of the Nation has left behind a legacy, and that is in need of being upheld
Muhammad Ali Jinnah was much more than a role model. It would be an understatement to merely dub him as a founder of a…
For details, visit: IPRI Update November 2021
Dr Naveed Atif is a senior civil servant and presently serving as Assistant Inspector General of Police, Islamabad. 21.12.2021
We are living in a time where flow of information is rightly claimed to be the fastest of reported…
Margalla Dialogue-2.0 reiterated the shift in Pakistan’s paradigm from geopolitics to geo-economics
In pursuit of crafting a realistic narrative of Pakistan vis-à-vis regional and global affairs, Margalla Dialogue has assumed an immense importance. The initiative, similar on the lines of other proactive…
Priyantha Kumara was my country’s proud foreign worker. He hailed from Sri Lanka, and practised a faith alien to many of us. Those were his brief but illustrative credentials, as he ably supervised hundreds of workers at a factory in Sialkot.
The Taliban have been in power for almost 100 days; a timeline often used to test the nerve of governance. Since their storming into Kabul on August 15, on the heels of the world superpower’s exit, they have played their cards close…
Mutual suspicions, political ill-will and global pressure has kept them apart. From RCD to IPI pipeline, it is tale of broken promises
Pakistan-Iran relations have remained mired in half-hearted initiatives, coupled with misgivings and suspicions. Notwithstanding the fact that they share more…
Breaking Past, Entering Future
Pakistan has evolved into two segments: the ultra-rich and the middle class
Are Pakistanis willing for a change is an irrelevant question! They have already voted for a manifesto of change, and keep their fingers-crossed to realise a New Pakistan. But the…
Department: Communication and Reforms
No. of Positions: 1
Closing Date: 17 Dec, 2021