In recent developments, despite the presence of Indian officials at the groundbreaking ceremony of Kartarpur Corridor, India has once again ruled out the possibility of resumption of dialogue and participation in SAARC Summit. Indian belligerence over the years has grown into irrational…
Putting yourself in motion is one of the best ways to find yourself – your journey will not become real until you’ve begun moving in a direction.
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The Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) organised a two-day International Conference titled “Conflict and Cooperation in South Asia: Role of Major Powers” on 11-12 December 2018.
The event was well reported by the print and online (Day One & Day Two) national as well as international…
برصغیر جنوبی ایشیا میں دنیا بھر کے مسلمانوں کا 33.51 فیصد آباد ہے اور یہ تعداد باقی تمام خطوں میں رہنے والے مسلمان بلحاظ خطہ سب سے زیادہ ہے۔ تقریباً سبھی حلقے اس امر پر متفق ہیں کہ کرہ ارض کے اس…
Mr. Harrison Akins, Research Fellow, University of Tennessee's Howard H. Baker, Jr., Center for Public Policy, Knoxville, USA visited IPRI on 14 December 2018 and delivered a talk on "Pakistan-US Relations".
IPRI UPDATE for the Month of November 2018 has been issued.
For details, visit: IPRI UPDATE November 2018
This timeline highlights the salient developments that shaped the trajectory of the Afghan conflict over the last fifty years.
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Post-Event Report
One-Day IPRI-SAM Seminar
“Current Geopolitical Trends in the Region and Prospects for
Deeper Relations between Pakistan and Azerbaijan”
A one-day joint IPRI-SAM (Islamabad Policy Research Institute-Azerbaijan Centre for Strategic Studies) Seminar on “Current Geopolitical Trends in the Region and…