IPRI UPDATE for the Month of June 2019 has been issued.
For details, visit: IPRI UPDATE June 2019
A three member delegation of Journalist from Maldives consisting of Mr. Waheed Ibrahim, Mr. Farooq Mohamed Hassan and Ms. Zihnath Hassan visited Islamabad Policy Research Institute on 18th June, 2019. Mr. Khalid Hussain Chandio, Research Fellow, IPRI gave a presentation on “Pakistan’s…
IPRI UPDATE for the Month of May 2019 has been issued.
For details, visit: IPRI UPDATE May 2019
Irritants in Pakistan-US Relations: Way Forward
Pakistan would seem to be a natural partner for the United States. But as Pakistani diplomats and scholars assert in this new volume, the relationship between the two countries has underperformed its potential. They argue that the…
Post-Event Report
One-Day Seminar
“Evolving Regional Dynamics and Future of Pakistan-Russia Relations”
Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) organized a One-Day Seminar on “Evolving Regional Dynamics and Future of Pakistan-Russia Relations” on 02 May 2019, at the IPRI conference hall.
IPRI UPDATE for the Month of April 2019 has been issued.
For details, visit: IPRI UPDATE April 2019
Islamabad Poicy Research Institute (IPRI) organized a One-Day Seminar on "Evolving Regional Dynamics and Future of Pakistan-Russia Relations" at the IPRI Conference Hall on May 02, 2019. Dr. Sergei A. Baranov Counsellor, Embassy of the Russian Federation), Ambassador Vice Admiral Amb (R)…
Amna Ejaz Rafi, Assistant Research Officer, gave presentation on the topic entitled, “CHINA-INDIA COMPETITION IN ASIA PACIFIC: BALANCING AND REBALANCING STRATEGIES” on April 22, 2019. The discussion was moderated by Brig. (R) Muhammad Mehboob Qadir - Director Research, followed by Question/Answer Session.
President of the US Donald Trump has signed a presidential proclamation on March 25, 2019 saying the US recognizes Israel’s sovereignty over Golan Heights. This is the third time in sixteen months when Trump has taken a controversial decision in the Middle…
IPRI UPDATE for the Month of March 2019 has been issued.
For details, visit: IPRI UPDATE March 2019