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Climate-Conflict Disasters: A Global Threat Gaining Momentum in Pakistan

Climate change and armed conflict, due to their grave impacts, stand out as two of the most serious challenges faced by the world today. While they both have their own standings in generating humanitarian and environmental crises, the interplay between the two is something that cannot be ignored. This newly accepted phenomenon is yet to be explicitly recognized under International Law. Pakistan being a part of the top 10 most vulnerable countries on the Climate Risk Index1 must take measures to deal with the inconsistencies in its legal framework to combat the emerging threat of climate induced conflicts.



IPRI is one of the oldest non-partisan think-tanks on all facets of National Security including international relations & law, strategic studies, governance & public policy and economic security in Pakistan. Established in 1999, IPRI is affiliated with the National Security Division (NSD), Government of Pakistan.


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