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Geopolitics on the Silk route.

Pakistan: Some Important words to understand.

This is a brief note to explain a complicated country with a population of 192.8 millions.

But it is necessary to understand; its geography, between Eurasia, Middle east, India, in fact it’s a “Pivot State”, a key country for the stability of Asia and its new “Silk Route” as desired by Beijing. Here are some of the simple points to be kept in mind when we read about this country:

  • We have to come out of caricatures (cartoons): the authors of these lines have done ground work and have even lived there. Always, as, per tradition of Christian religion openly with a visible. Huguenot cross. He never came across any difficulty because of this. Christian minorities of south. Asia have been generally facing challenges (be they at the hands of extremist Hindus in: India or radical Muslims) have to go through the, challenges of times Bathe terrorists and jihadists aim all the minorities and even Muslims….who are not like them and the Islamists who accept the democracy. The terrorists attacking Pakistan are red neo-Khmers, They want to impose their extremist vision of the state, ideology, society, and religion upon all. There way of targeting Christians is to finish theft, destroy the Pakistani Society as it exists today and to destabilize the state. That is why they are attacking Army which is the backbone of the country. In the same way it is essential to do not mix the majority of Pakistanis, and jihadists and even radical Mishits. Pakistani ‘Civilians are suffering from violent terrorist attacks foe More than one decade linked to “War against terror”. Certainly extremists are very rigid and loud to they attract the international media. We forget that they use violence because their ideology is a failure to convince in mosques and even at the ballot. They are also defeated on battle field. That is why they have opted for attacking a public park where Easter was celebrated and even schools,
  • In the end we must remind, about a different geo political story of Pakistan. It came into, existence in 1947. From 1947 to 1948 not only the separation from India was done in a worst possible way, but Kashmir, we would wait that it will join Pakistan or emerge as an independent state which was captured by India after the first Ingo-Pak war. And Afghanistan openly blocked the entry of Pakistan to UN because at that time they also wanted a part of the territory of this young state. And after that the third Indo-Pak War in 1971 resulted in losing a part of country now know as Bangladesh. Islamabad in south Asia is considered as hostile and stranglehold openly by two countries. The strategic options of Islamabad Are directly linked with his story. If we want strengthen south. Asia these these two issues must be addressed: The political future of Afghanistan (peaceful country or militarist, centralized or decentralized, the choice of becoming a great Swiss with everybody in peace, or in an anti-Pakistan alliance with India), and the question of Kashmir.
  • This last point-signifies; that alas we will not see south Asia incomplete peace corning years… A sub-continent however where cultural, human and spiritual links are so obvious.

    India-Pakistan where Geopolitics is against the humanityOne should be realistic in International relations: should accept the world as it is to do the good analysis.. It means Alas a world of lawless states where some are stronger than others or quest of power, influence, reigns supreme. Very often at the expense of people and international stability.

    Refuse to see that World is functioning normally so their condemnation does not understand the worlds tension. But it must be resolved that this logic still dominates? Of course not: because it brings till today the absurd practice of damaging humanity. And is not productive when ultimate aim is security and stability.

    “The Silk Route” and the south Asian terrorists and Chinese who are connected, to, it have Alas given a new picture. In 1999 Mohammed Javed an ordinary Indian. He belongs to Muslim minority arid, one part: of his family was away in Pakistan in Karachi. He accompanied his Mother for a family visit. There he falls in love. He started day dreaming when young lady told him that she is also in love with him.

    They spent a large part of their modest income to stay in contact with each other by telephone. He returned back to the family to talk about the marriage. His proposal was accepted by the families but parents of the young girl wanted that couple should live in Pakistan and on the other side parents of Mohammed Javed wanted them to stay in India. Finally there was a mutual agreement between the two families that their daughter they call them, with love “Gudiya” a doll can live with him. During this time they wrote long love letters.

    Fight against terrorism

    But he was never seen again and lost eleven and a half years of his life in prison. But why? Indian, security forces have arrested him as a Pakistani SPY. He was tortured and, presented on media as a terrorist without any proof this ordinary man was not following the present conditions assiduously as for him these were nothing to do with him. After the Kargil conflict between the two countries in 1999 due to Kashmir all Muslims travelling in India were considered as suspicious. It was: easy to verify the story of Mohammad Javed and to see if he was a terrorist but he was arrested by Indian authorities due no clear reasons and they were saying that they are fighting against the terrorism.

    Luckily in India there is a Justice system in India, On 18 January 2014 a judge declared that all the proof against Mohammad Javed is not sufficient and he was free the next day. But it was very late because he spent eleven and half years of his life in prison all his young age. He suffered torture and humiliation and, also lost his love. But Why? Because of perpetual states war with the neighbor country. He was used to facilitate this local war against terror. He just like many other victims were not compensated and no excuse from anybody: He is trying to again start his life. But how many people are crushed by this type of persecution and they become terrorists? Accepting to victimize and collaterally and abject morally: This is a absurd point of security.

    Disclaimer: Views expressed are of the writer and are not necessarily reflective of IPRI policy.

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