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PRESS RELEASE November 8, 2021

Visit of OIC Special Envoy for Jammu & Kashmir and the Assistant Secretary General (Humanitarian Affairs) to Pakistan and the AJK to IPRI

ISLAMABAD: An eight-member delegation of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) Contact Group on Kashmir led by Ambassador Yousef Aldobeay, Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs, visited the Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) for a “Roundtable Discussion” on Kashmir.

Acting President IPRI Brig. (retd) Raashid Wali Janjua welcomed the delegation and gave them a short tour d’ horizon of IPRI’s efforts in showcasing humanitarian and international law aspects germane to the Kashmir dispute.

Former Foreign Minister and Chairman BOG IPRI, Inamul Haque apprised the delegation of the United Nations’ Resolution based stance of Pakistan on Kashmir and violation of the same by the Indian government’s illegal occupation of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, and the illegal efforts to change the demography of the disputed state were amply highlighted by him.

The special envoy for Jammu and Kashmir and the Assistant Secretary General (Humanitarian Affairs) to Pakistan and AJK, Ambassador Yousef Aldobeay explained the efforts of the OIC Contact Group in highlighting the humanitarian issues of Kashmir dispute and apprised the participants of the roundtable of the forthcoming Council of Ministers’ Conference in Pakistan in March 2022.

The delegates and the participants concurred on the need to resolve the dispute as per international law and ameliorate the humanitarian aspects of the unfolding humanitarian crisis.

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