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Symposium on “Fallout of Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) 2019 & National Population Register (NPR): Implications for India & Pakistan”

In a Symposium on Fallout of Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) 2019 & National Population Register (NPR), organized by the Islamabad Policy Research Institute, here in the capital today, speakers discussed how the CAA is the latest move in a series of steps taken by Indian Prime Minster Modi as part of his agenda to promote Hindu nationalism in a constitutionally secular India. Speakers pointed out that the CAA and NPR not only threatens India’s secular foundations, it will also marginalize its 200 million Muslim minority population.

India is a fascist regime and flagrant violator of International law and human rights. Under the guise of the CAA and NPR, the history of the Holocaust could repeat itself to justify religious discrimination against Muslims in India.

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