“Just two minutes” is a phrase used in South Asia to indicate a minuscule time slot, but on the side-lines of COP21, 120 seconds must have been the longest one for the Prime Ministers of Pakistan and India to endure. In the…
On September 28th, 2015, Mr. Asghar Ali Shad, Research Fellow IPRI, gave a lecture to IPRI scholars on the topic “Growing Hindu Extremism in India: Implications for Neighbouring Countries” at IPRI Conference Hall. He began the lecture by saying that the growing…
The visit of Tajik President Emomali Rahmon in mid-November to Pakistan was a hallmark in Pakistan-Tajikistan bilateral relations. Both the countries have signed multiple agreements of co-operation in the fields of energy, security, trade, defence, culture, infrastructure development and communication. The two…
Both Pakistan and India seek the membership of Nuclear Supplier’s Group (NSG). However, both are following different approaches to achieve this objective. India is following a usual nuclear apartheid route, looking for shortcuts to have entry only for itself through country specific…
تیئس نومبر کو نامور بھارتی فلمسٹار ’’ عامر خان ‘‘ نے کہا کہ ہندوستان میں عدم تحفظ اور خوف کی فضا اس قدر بڑھ چکی ہے کہ ان کی اہلیہ ’’ کرن راؤ ‘‘ ( جو ہندو ہیں ) وہ انھیں کئی…
بھارتی صوبے ’’ اتر کھنڈ ‘‘ کے کانگرسی وزیر اعلیٰ ’’ ہریش راوت ‘‘ نے سولہ جون کو کہا ہے کہ ’’ گائے کے کوشت کھانے والے کے لئے بھارت میں کوئی جگہ نہیں ‘‘ ۔ اس سے پہلے کئی مہینوں سے…
When Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif visited the French Embassy in Islamabad on November 17 to extended condolences for the lives lost during the Paris attacks, French Ambassador to Pakistan HE Martine Dorance said that the French people and government had a lot…
Prime Minister Narendera Modi’s high ambitions of re-shaping India on an extremist Hindutva model and region as India dominated South Asia with other counties relegated to vassal status has come to a naught rather quickly. His invitation to all heads of SAARC…
Since India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has come into power BJP’s discriminatory policies towards Indian Muslims have alarmed the international community. The BJP policies are based on RSS ideology of Hindutva or Hindu nationalism with an idea to form Akhand Bharat, or…
Afghan Taliban leaders, who had refused to accept Mullah Akhtar Mansoor as successor to Mullah Omar, have formally announced Mullah Mohammad Rasool as head of their splinter group. Dissident leaders met in Farah province of Afghanistan and elected new leaders. Presumably they…