Education which is a basic human right has faced serious security threats in few countries like Pakistan. The terrorist’s ideological and conservative mindset has crossed limit to an extent that apart from imposition of Islamic Sunnah and Shariah in their areas of…
The most common approach to deal with insurgencies, terrorism, or internal violence is to use the forces to establish law and order in the affected areas. .In most of the cases, this has not been a successful strategy. Even when these measures…
International Conference
“Major Powers’ Interests in Indian Ocean: Challenges and Options for Pakistan”
Organized by: Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI)
In collaboration with: Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF)
At: Serena Hotel, Islamabad
November 18-19, 2014
A two-day international conference on “Major Powers’…
Following the Peshawar school carnage on December 16, 2014 and the country’s resolve to fight against terrorism, the visit by the Secretary of State, John Kerry, has assumed a great importance. That visit is a part of Pak-US Strategic Dialogues. Pakistan considers…
In his recent article “State of Delusion”, Pakistan’s former envoy to the United States, Husain Haqqani has tried to focus on Pakistan’s traditional fault lines and restate the obvious adnauseum. He questions the ideological foundation of Pakistan’s nation-hood and, as a corollary,…
After a marathon meeting, national leadership approved a comprehensive plan of action against terrorism in a move described by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif as a ‘defining moment’ in the fight against terrorism. The 20-point National Action Plan that envisages establishment of special…
Representatives of 60 countries and 15 international organizations gathered in London to discuss continuation of international cooperation with Afghanistan to facilitate its economic development. Later at 10 Downing British premier, appreciating Pakistan’s sacrifices in the fight against terrorism, stated that “Pakistan has…
President Obama called Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on telephone on November 21. Pakistan-US bilateral relations and the evolving situation in the region were discussed. Prime Minister expressed satisfaction at the direction of Pakistan-US relations which were on an upward trajectory; Obama also…
Since the formation of new government in Afghanistan there has been a flurry of activity between Kabul and Islamabad. In pursuit of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s vision of peaceful neighbourhood, series of professional and technical level visits culminated in the summit. Prime…
Completion of political transition in Afghanistan offers a window of opportunity, albeit a narrow one, for Pakistan and Afghanistan to swiftly and boldly make a course correction to respective approaches towards each other. Both countries could engage each other more constructively by…