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Webinar on The Contrast: Indian Hegemonistic Policies in South Asia and Pakistan’s Quest for Regional Peace and Stability

The Islamabad Policy Research Institute organized a special webinar on “The Contrast: Indian Hegemonistic Policies in South Asia and Pakistan’s Quest for Regional Peace and Stability” here in the capital today. The session included Keynote Address by Senator Sherry Rehman, followed by Dr Liu Zongyi and Ambassador (R) Ashraf Jehangir Qazi as the speakers.

Senator Sherry Rehman talked about how Pakistan is a particular thorn in Modi’s side because it notionally challenges and impedes Modi’s ascent as South Asia region’s hegemon. She pointed out that India is using external threats to cover up its internal failures and like a Janus faced entity showing a different image to the world while acting as a misanthropic bully domestically and an implacable hegemon bilaterally. Pakistan’s foreign policy as per her needs to be more nuanced and proactive based on a consistent approach backed by a domestic

Dr Liu Zongyi of Shanghai Institute for International Studies highlighted the change in
Indian approach towards border dispute with China due to militant Hindutva ideology of Modi.
He pointed out that India is stoking the fire of conflict in the region on the encouragemenr of
another global power. India as per him was neither capable of winning a war against China nor
making peace under the current Indian regime.


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